Well, it's been almost 3 months since that last endoscopy where they found the "almost cancerous" spot in my lower duodenum. Friday I have my next endoscopy scheduled to see if anything has progressed. I feel confident that if they find anything, it'll be quick enough to nip in the bud. I haven't asked the doctor what the course of action would be if they DID find something that had blossomed into full blown cancer again. I don't know if they'll just remove it and that's that, or if I'll have to go do chemo again. Hopefully it's just a removal... The next Monday is my PET scan, so I have 2 big tests in the next week or so. I don't get to have my appointment with Dr. Le to discuss the results. Seeing as that is the week of Thanksgiving, I'm not sure if that's good or bad. On one hand, if it's bad news I won't know for Thanksgiving. On the other hand, if it's good news... I won't know for Thanksgiving. It's sorta a double edged sword.
As an update to my last prayer requests, I was able to go to A&M with John, but I wasn't able to go out for Halloween:( Sniff... Sniff... (I pouted in my room for about an hour, and then gave up and came out for dinner and a DVD with John.) It's a good thing that I didn't go out though because I ended up having a relapse of the bronchitis and still haven't been able to shake it. (Who knows how much worse it could have been if I went out!) I guess that's all part of the gig for now; when I get sick, I get sick for like a month. It again makes me so grateful that I only work 2 days a week!!! So thankful. Work is going wonderfully. I thank my God in heaven for that job. For a while, I had been planning on using dance to get back in shape, and I've finally come to the conclusion that that just isn't going to happen. At least not for a while. I'm stronger than I was, but not as strong as I want to be. Normally I try to end on a good note, and say the things that are going well, and the things that I am really thankful for. In all honesty, I'm not really feeling it right now. I'm sick of being sick. I'm sick of being "the sick girl". It's pretty old. But you know what? Living the Christian life, choosing to be thankful, none of it depends on how you are "feeling" that day. So despite my lack of feelings, I will choose to be thankful today. I am thankful for a husband who loves me "like Christ loved the church, and gave himself up for her". I am thankful for my parents and the rest of my family who are so supportive. I am thankful for work that I love, students that I love, coworkers who are supportive of each other, and a gracious administration. I am thankful for a cuddly cat, and a bunny who likes to leap in the air. And sucky as they are, I choose to thank God for the hardships: for the sickness, for the tiredness. Why? Because we are called to rejoice in all things, and I am choosing to trust that He is doing it for a reason. Why? Because I have blind faith and I'm a mindless drone? No. Because I have seen too many times when He has taken a sucky situation and created awesome things from it. I trust because He has PROVEN Himself trustworthy. It is a trust based on evidence of His faithfulness. (And in case you are wondering, yes. I am preaching this to myself right now. I really needed a reminder for what I know to be true today. I think sometimes this blog gives me the forum by which to remind myself.)